Promotionsprogramm Empirische Sprachverarbeitung (ESP)




Öffentlicher Gastvortrag von Paul Iverson am 22.07.2010

"Auditory specialization in second-language phonetic perception"


Das Promotionsprogramm lädt herzlich ein zum öffentlichen Gastvortrag von Dr. Paul Iverson, University College London, zum Thema

Auditory specialization in second-language phonetic perception

Zeit: Donnerstag, 22.07.2010 um 16.15 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Schellingstr. 3, VG, 2. Stock, Raum 226 (Institutsbibliothek).

Infants are born with language-universal perceptual capacities, and they become specialized through development to perceive the sounds used in their native language. Research in this area has most often suggested that this specialization occurs in linguistic categorization (e.g., phonetic categories, phonemes, or words). This talk will present research that suggests that this specialization also occurs at a pre-linguistic auditory level, and that there are multiple levels that become specialized, with production being relatively independent from perception. The talk will describe studies on the perception of English /r/-/l/ by Japanese, German, and English speakers, and English /w/-/v/ by Sinhala, Hindi, German, and English speakers.

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